Las TIC y su uso como herramienta

Las TIC y su uso como herramienta
El despegue

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Reflexión Final

Reflexión de Felicidad

Esta reflexión tiene como propósito agradecer a Dios y al Universo, la posibilidad de haber podido concluir este Taller de Ingles Instrumental en un curso intensivo, haciendo uso de la tecnologías de información y comunicación como herramienta para el aprendizaje, además de nuestra inmensa motivación para abordar el uso del inglés, como un vínculo con las investigaciones más recientes que son publicadas en nuestro campo de interés, en dicho idioma.
Me pareció bien novedosa la aplicación de la plataforma del Blog, como estrategia didáctica, pues hizo al curso muy entretenido y más allá de esto, nos permitió reforzar el aprendizaje colaborativo y la propia curiosidad sobre las fronteras ilimitadas, que tenemos todos  los seres humanos, para indagar en la red de internet toda la riqueza informativa que ella contiene.
Los materiales muy bien presentados, con buena diagramación, colores y un interesante resumen de los tópicos que nos explicarían en las clases presenciales .Aunque son de mencionar algunos inconvenientes logísticos que se presentaron, en el uso de los laboratorios de computación, pero que fueron superados con el uso de nuestro equipo portátil.
Los compañeros de clase constituyeron un buen apoyo, pues sus avances y dudas, expresadas en los ejemplos que llevaron al salón o que publicaban en su blog, fueron un ejemplo a seguir por la estética del blog que construyeron, los contenidos analizados y el alcance de los ejercicios resueltos.En sintesís nos soltamos a leer en ingles los diferentes ejemplos de blog y  a perder la aprehensión anterior, cuando encontrabamos una referencia o publicación es ese idioma.

En cuanto a sugerencias para futuros cursos creo muy importante dedicar un clase completa para construir el blog personal, ya que este recurso que será de mucha utilidad.
Finalmente, me agradó la actitud positiva y andragógica de la Profesora Doris Molero, quien actuó como estupenda facilitadora para que aprendiéramos a nuestro propio ritmo e interés.
A todos muchas gracias, en especial por la oportunidad que ofreció URBE para hacer este curso en época vacacional.
Rita Elena Añez

Maracaibo 31  de Agosto de 2011

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011


Ejercicio de la Unidad 4

Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo

 A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia. Lea el texto y extraiga: las definiciones  y los marcadores de definición

B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga las palabras de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.

Parte A

A professor is a scholarly teacher; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences; a teacher of high rank .In most English-speaking nations professor is reserved for senior academics holding a departmental chair (especially head of the department) at a university, or an awarded chair specifically bestowed recognizing an individual at a university. In the United States and Canada title of professor is granted to larger groups of senior teachers in two- and four-year colleges and universities.
Countries on the European mainland, such as France, Germany, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries, usage of professor as a legal title is limited much the same way as the Commonwealth countries, i.e. reserved for someone who holds a chair. But in the United States, while "Professor" as a proper noun (with a capital "P") generally implies a title, the common noun "professor" in the US describes anyone teaching at college (i.e. university) levels, regardless of rank; also, as a prenominal title of address, it can be capitalized without implying the title rank.
In Portugal, France, Romania and Latin America (Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking), the term professor (profesor / professor / professeur / profesor) is used for anyone teaching at a school, institute, technical school, vocational school, college, or university, regardless of the level of the subject matter taught or the level or ages of students. This includes instructors at the grade/elementary school, middle school, and high school levels. However, when the professor teaches at a university, they are specifically called a "university professor"; if holding a chair, then catedrático is used in Spanish. It is common to call university professors just "profesor" (Spanish) or "professor" (Portuguese).

Definiciones de Profesor

professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences; a teacher of high rank.
In most English-speaking nations professor is reserved for senior academics holding a departmental chair (especially head of the department) at a university
Countries on the European mainland, such as France, Germany, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries, usage of professor as a legal title is limited much the same way as the Commonwealth countries, i.e. reserved for someone who holds a chair
In the United States and Canada title of professor is granted to larger groups of senior teachers in two- and four-year colleges and universities.

Marcadores de Definición del  Discurso
Is, derives from, is granted, as a, usage of, reserved for, describes, called a

Parte B
Tomado de :

The Humboldt University of Berlin (German Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) is Berlin's oldest university, founded in 1810 as the University of Berlin (Universität zu Berlin) by the liberal Prussian educational reformer and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt, whose university model has strongly influenced other European and Western universities. From 1828 it was known as the Frederick William University (Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität), later (unofficially) also as the Universität unter den Linden after its location. In 1949, it changed its name to Humboldt-Universität in honour of both its founder Wilhelm and his brother, naturalist Alexander von Humboldt.
The first semester at the newly founded Berlin university occurred in 1810 with 256 students and 52 lecturers in faculties of law, medicine, theology and philosophy under rector Theodor Schmalz. The university has been home to many of Germany's greatest thinkers of the past two centuries, among them the subjective idealist philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte, the theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher, the absolute idealist philosopher G.W.F. Hegel, the Romantic legal theorist Savigny, the pessimist philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, the objective idealist philosopher Friedrich Schelling, cultural critic Walter Benjamin, and famous physicists Albert Einstein and Max Planck. Founders of Marxist theory Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels attended the university, as did poet Heinrich Heine, founder of structuralism Ferdinand de Saussure, German unifier Otto von Bismarck, Communist Party of Germany founder Karl Liebknecht, African American Pan Africanist W. E. B. Du Bois and European unifier Robert Schuman, as well as the influential surgeon Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach in the early half of the 1800s. The university is home to 29 Nobel Prize winners.
The structure of German research-intensive universities, such as Humboldt, served as a model for institutions like Johns Hopkins University. Further, it has been claimed that "the 'Humboldtian' university became a model for the rest of Europe [...] with its central principal being the union of teaching and research in the work of the individual scholar or scientist
Marcadores de Ordenamiento  de Tiempo
First, in 1810 , the past two centuries,  From 1828,  In 1949,. the early half of the 1800s

Tipo de Texto
Es un texto histórico que describe los inicios de la Universidad Humbold de Berlin
Idea General de Párrafo
La Universidad Humbold ubicada en Berlin es una institución universitaria que fue fundada por el educador reformista liberal y lingüista Wilhelm von Humboldt, la cual ha servido de modelo para otras universidades europeas y del mundo occidental, fundamentalmente por su énfasis en la relación entre la enseñanza y la investigación.
Entre las universidades que ha asumido el modelos Humboldiano, cabe mencionar la Universidad Johns Hopkins.

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011


Ejercicio de la UNIDAD  3

Técnicas de lectura con  predicción tipo  skimming

Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen

Tomado de:

Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences – University of Florida
Elaine Turner Receives National Teaching Award
GAINESVILLE, Fla.—Elaine Turner, an associate professor with the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, received the National Award for Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences during the annual meeting of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC) in San Diego, Calif., November 14-16.
Turner, who teaches courses in the food science and human nutrition department, serves as coordinator for the largest undergraduate program in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. She has won plaudits from both colleagues and students for her passion for teaching, and her dedication to students has made her a popular instructor and advisor.
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and NASULGC, the award includes a $5,000 stipend to be used by the recipient for improving teaching at his or her university.
A selection committee of nationally recognized teachers and scholars selects the recipients, and nominees are evaluated on the basis of their ability as classroom teachers, use of innovative teaching methodology, service to students and their profession, and scholarship.
“The award reflects the quality of our faculty, teaching and advising programs, and students,” said Jimmy Cheek, dean of the UF/IFAS college. “Over the past few years, our faculty have received a total of seven awards, placing UF in the top three of all land-grant universities in the nation that have received awards.”
Turner, who joined the UF/IFAS faculty in 1996, earned her bachelor’s degree in dietetics from Kansas State University, and she completed her master’s and doctoral degrees in nutrition at Purdue University.
 Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.
De acuerdo al título y la imagen

 ¿Cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?

 Se trata de un premio a la  profesora universitaria Elaine Turned

Luego lea el texto
¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?

 Es la felicitación a Elaine Turned quien es profesora asociada del Instituto de Ciencias de de los Alimentos y Agricultura de la Universidad de la Florida, por haber obtenido el Premio Nacional de  Excelencia en la Enseñanza, en el area de de las Ciencias de los Alimentos y Agricutura,lo cual ocurrió durante el encuentro de la Asociación Nacional de Universidades y Colegio Estatales  dedicados a los estudios de la Tierra.
¿Que palabras se repiten?

award, teaching, agricultural, sciences,
¿Que palabras se parecen al español?

associate, professor, agricultural, sciences,human, nutrition, department
¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
Receives National Teaching Award

¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo?

El texto trata sobre el  Premio Nacional de la Excelencia en la Enseñanza, en el area de de las Ciencias de los Alimentos y Agricutura, obtenido por la profesora Elaine Turned. docente asociada del Instituto de Ciencias de de los Alimentos y Agricultura,  de la Universidad de la Florida,  Reconocimiento que  es otorgado por un comite de académicos reconocidos, quienes seleccionan a los nominados sobre la base de su capacidad como docentes de aula, el uso de métodos de enseñanza innovadores, la asesoría a sus estudiantes y sus conocimientos.
En los últimos años, siete docentes de la Universidad de la Florida, han recibido premios similares, lo cual releja la calidad de su profesorado, Hecho este que  la ubica  entre las tres principales Universidades que estudian   la agricultura en EEUU,por haber obtenido sus  docentes dichos reconocimientos.

Técnicas de lectura con  predicción tipo scanning

Seleccione un texto y busque información específica

Tomado de:

Biography of Antonio José de Sucre

Antonio José de Sucre y Alcalá (Spanish pronunciation: [anˈ-tonjo xoˈse ðe ˈsukɾe i alkala]; February 3, 1795 – June 4,1830), known as the "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho"(English:"Grand Marshal of Ayacucho"), was a Venezuelan independence leader. Sucre was one of Simón Bolívar’s closest friends, generals and statesmen.
The aristocratic Sucre family can trace its roots back to origins in Belgium. It arrived in Venezuela through Charles de Sucre y Pardo, a Flemish nobleman, son of Charles Adrian  de Sucre, Marquess of Preux and Buenaventura Carolina Isabel Garrido y Pardo, a Spanish noblewoman .Charle de Sucre y Pardo served a soldier in Catalonia in 1698 and was later named Governor of Cartagena de Indias and Captain General of Cuba. On December 22, 1779, Charles Sucre y Pardo arrived in Cumana, Venezuela having been named Governor of New Andalucia, present day Sucre state. Antonio José de Sucre was born in Cumaná, then part of the Spanish Viceroyalty of Nueva Granada and the Captaincy-General of Venezuela, son of Colonel Vicente de Sucre y García de Urbaneja and wife María Manuela de Alcalá y Sánchez Ramírez de Arellano. The Sucres were a wealthy and distinguished family and his father was a military officer in the Spanish armies.

Military life in 1814, Sucre joined the battles for South American independence from Spain. He proved himself an able military leader; in 1818, he was promoted to the rank of colonel and in 1821, at the age of 26, he was given the rank of brigadier general, making him one of the youngest Generals in the army. After the Battle of Boyacá, Sucre was made Bolívar's chief of staff.
In 1821, Bolívar put him in charge of the campaign to liberate Quito, and Sucre won a decisive victory at the Battle of Pichincha on May 24, 1822. Shortly after the battle, Sucre and Bolívar entered the newly-liberated Quito and Sucre was named President of the Province of Quito.
Further victories followed over the Spanish forces in Perú, notably on August 6, 1824 at the Battle of Junín. On December 9, Sucre decisively captured the bulk of the Spanish troops and command, including the Viceroy, at Ayacucho. The victory ensured the independence of Peru and Alto Perú, which Sucre and others soon established as the new country of Bolivia, thus ending all fighting for independence in Spanish South America. As a reward for his efforts, Sucre was given the highest possible honorary title of the "Grand Marshal of Ayacucho" at the age of 29.
Ahora responda las siguientes preguntas
Who was Antonio Jose de Sucre?
He was a leader of Independence of Venezuela
What was the date of birth of Antonio José
de Sucre?
Antonio José de Sucre was born on February 3, 1795
What was known Antonio José de Sucre?
He was known as the Grand Marshal of Ayacucho
Where was Antonio Jose de Sucre?
He was born in Cumana



domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Los Verbos Modales.Video

Prefijos y Sufijo.Video y Enlace

Video y Enlace  sobre sufijos y prefijos




Ejercicio de la UNIDAD 1

 Usos del Diccionario

Lectura tomada de :
In the eighties, the Iraqi education system was recognized as one of the most developed systems in the Arab countries. However, nearly two decades of conflict, unstable political conditions and an extremely volatile security situation have taken a considerable toll.
The Iraqi education system faces critical shortcomings in many areas. One of the main challenges is the limited capacities of teachers in their fields of specialty (teaching subjects) as well as on the use of modern teaching methodologies. Such limitations have affected both quality and access to education at all levels. Furthermore, instability and lack of security have also undermined the normal academic activity in Iraqi universities and triggered an unexpected brain drain that has further undermined the educational opportunities of Iraqi students.  
One key concern for both the Government of Iraq and UNESCO is to ensure access to quality education in Iraq. "Training of Trainers in Teacher Education for Sustained Quality Education" is one of the projects in the field of education designed to assist in enhancing teacher education through supporting higher education in Iraq.  
The overall objective of the project is to create a critical mass of trainers in order to enhance the quality of teacher education while building the capacity of selected Iraqi universities and officials of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. A major achievement of the project was the establishment of a Teacher Training Network for Iraq (TTNI) connecting 8 Iraqi Science and Education colleges with international universities known for their well-developed Teacher Education programs, projects and services. The Teacher Training Network for Iraq (TTNI) was launched in 2007 and a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Iraqi universities and selected international higher education institutions
1.      Seleccionar  5 palabras desconocidas
3.      Las palabras pueden ser de contenidos
4.       o de función o estructura

Tipo de palabra
Asunto o inquietud

Categorias lexicales

tipo de Palabra


Extremadamente  extrema

tipo de palabra


De,   fuera de
En ,   junto a

tipo de palabra


Inesperado , imprevisto


Los Cognados

Cognados Verdaderos
Cognados Falsos
Critico ( critico)
Achieve ment 
Lograr  no archivar
Normal ( normal )
Falta  no laca

Traducción en propias palabras de Texto  Seleccionado
En los años 80  el sistema educativo iraní era reconocido como el más desarrollado de los países árabes, sin embargo la inestabilidad política e inseguridad han contribuido considerablemente a que esta situación haya cambiado.
En la actualidad este sistema se enfrenta  a grandes deficiencias,  entre los cuales están las graves  carencias que presentan los maestros en los conocimientos de sus asignaturas y en el uso de métodos de enseñanza modernos.
Por otra parte, la inestabilidad e inseguridad en ese país, también han provocado la fuga de cerebros de los académicos de las universidades iraquíes, afectando con ello  las oportunidades educativas de los estudiantes  de esa nación. El gobierno de Iraq y la UNESCO, conscientes ambos de lo clave del asunto, promovieron un proyecto denominado  “Formación de Formadores”, cuyo objetivo es mejorar la calidad de la formación del profesorado, al igual que el mejoramiento de la construcción de las capacidades de determinadas universidades iraquíes y de funcionarios del Ministerio de Educación Superior e Investigación Científica.
Como resultado de este programa se logró la creación de una Red de Formación del Profesorado para Iraq (TTNI) la cual conecta a 8 instituciones  educativas y científicas iraquíes con las universidades extranjeras conocidas internacionalmente por sus proyectos y servicios.
El Teacher Training Network for Irak (TTNI) fue lanzado en 2007, al igual que el Memorándum de Entendimiento firmado por las Universidades Iraquíes y el grupo seleccionado de Instituciones Universitarias de Educación Superior