Las TIC y su uso como herramienta

Las TIC y su uso como herramienta
El despegue

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011


Ejercicio de la Unidad 2

 Estructura de la Oración

Changes in teaching practices
Teaching has, for a long time, been approached from an abstract viewpoint, as though teaching involved only the formal dispensation of sterileknowledge to disembodied students in a non-social, non-historic context. The actual situation, though, is completely different. Teachers play a major role in society, and their work is subject to a range of internal workplace pressures and external societal pressures that influence their role, their target audience, namely their students, and the subject matter taught. The classroom, far from being a closed system free from outside influences, is intrinsically moulded and shaped by a series of influences that define its nature and its operations. The work of teachers today has undergone considerable change, and reflects new pressures that present specific challenges to teachers and teaching institutions.

The Fragmentation of Knowledge and New Learning Paths
It is no longer posssible for a single person to master, as in previous eras, all current knowledge. The spedd at wich new knowledge is produced, its especialitation and its fragmentation make it impossible to instill encyclopedic knowledge in people.
Schools no longer have a monopoly on the transmission and dissemination of knowledge. The rapid development of communications tools has dramatically increased access to information and affected the traditional role of schools as the primary location for learning. It is clear that other knowledge sources and access modes (such as television and, more recently, home computers) have become rivals for the teaching profession, and have even called into question the pertinence and relevance of some aspects of teaching. However, despite the real contribution that technology can make toward learning and teaching, there is a risk that its attractive, superficial aspect as entertainment will work against the development of organized thought, solid cultural grounding and the maintenance of a critical distance. This is an area in which teachers have an important role to play.

New Approaches to Education Research
Another major element also deserves attention: the change in the approach to education research. From its former state as a decontextualized product with no relation to the classroom, with results that were difficult to transfer into actual teaching practice, research has progressively come to focus on the real situations in which teachers work. The results can have real didactic and pedagogical relevance.

Ejercicio sobre Estructuras de las Oraciones

The actual situation, though, is completely different

The actual situation, though, is completely different
Frase Nominal
The actual situation thoug
Premodificadores del núcleo
The actual
Núcleo de la FN
Postmodificadores del núcleo
Frase Verbal
Is completely different
Núcleo de la FV
Tiempo Verbal
Presente simple

This is an area in which teachers have an important role to play

This is an area in which teachers have an important role to play
Frase Nominal
This is an area in which teachers
Premodificadores del núcleo
This in an area in which
Núcleo de la FN
Postmodificadores del núcleo
No hay
Frase Verbal
Have an important role to play
Núcleo de la FV
Tiempo Verbal
Presente simple

The results can have real didactic and pedagogical relevance

The results can have real didactic and pedagogical relevance
Frase Nominal
The results
Premodificadores del núcleo
Núcleo de la FN
Postmodificadores del núcleo
No hay
Frase Verbal
Can have real didactic and pedagogical relevance
Núcleo de la FV
Can have
Tiempo Verbal
Presente  con modales

Conexones Referenciales
The speed at which new knolowledge is produced, its apecialization and its fragmentation

Teachers play a major role in society, and their work is subject to a range of internal workplace

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